Built 1874
Tonnages 374 grt, 236 nrt
Dimensions 159.0 x 21.4 x 12.2 ft
Shipbuilder (yard number) Coulson, Cooke & Co. Newcastle (5)
Engine builder Pattison & Atkinson, Newcastle
Engine Compound 2cyl (18.5, 36 x 24in), 50nhp
O.N. 67380
Owners 1874 Humble & Thompson, Newcastle
  1874 Yorkshire Coal & Steam Shipping Co. Ltd., Goole
  1895 Goole Steam Shipping Company, Goole
  1901 Cuthbert Wilkinson, Sunderland
Fate 16/02/1906 Wrecked NW of Switha Island, Orkneys on a voyage from St. Davids, Fife to Stornoway with coal



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